HomeNewsZero Orders Tactics
Zero Orders Tactics is a clever turn-based god sim with a touch of From DustRock Paper Mountain
Rock Paper Mountain
Image credit:Pauloondra
Image credit:Pauloondra
Now, imagine there are several of these units on the board, each with specific preferences about what they walk on, and different criteria for performing an attack. Where will you bestow your forests, your swamps, your hilltops so as to pluck the needle of victory from this haystack of competing pathfinding?
I’ve just given the demo a quick shake and it seems quite promising. The visuals and sound aren’t anything to write home about - certainly, nothing like as marvelous asFrom Dust, which also favours tactical terraforming over moving units around - but the mechanics are swiftly engrossing. I think part of it is that once you’ve done the brainwork, you get to sit back magisterially and watch the pieces fall as predicted, which feels very divine. Yes, god has a plan for youtoo, rando minotaur in the woods.
The full game has a roguelite campaign with the chance to build up a deck of terrain types and units. It’s out on 4th November, and you can find the Steam pagehere.