
What’s on your bookshelf?: slightly useful useless editionread-only


Image credit:oldbookillustrations.com

Image credit:oldbookillustrations.com

A lady reads a book in Eugène Grasset’s Poster for the Librairie Romantique

No cool industry person this week, I’m afraid, but I do have a consolation prize for you. A comment from valued RPS community member #1694 a few weeks back reminded me that I once spent a long time tracking down good SF/Fantasy/Horror short story magazines. Partly for pitching purposes, and partly because I was just really excited such things still existed.

Short stories are my favourite form of fiction, and finding such a trove was a treat. Anyway, I figured a few of you might find my list useful. Not all of these are still active, and a few have sadly shut down quite recently, but digital back issues are usually still available online. Enjoy!

Now thatdefinitelydoesn’t work.