
The Long Dark 2 announced with co-op multiplayer, new urban areas and sanity systemSurvival is a dish best served cold

Survival is a dish best served cold

Image credit:Hinterlands

Image credit:Hinterlands

A player holding a rifle in The Long Dark 2 on a snowy city street

The Long Darkcreators Hinterlands have announced The Long Dark 2, another helping of open-ended wilderness survival. Actually titled Blackfrost: The Long Dark 2 - a travestying of naming conventions that is surely more harrowing than any post-apocalyptic winter - it’s out in early access in 2026, and introduces urban environments together with a “Will to Live” sanity system and co-op multiplayer. Here’s the trailer.

BLACKFROST – The Long Dark 2 – Announcement TrailerWatch on YouTube

BLACKFROST – The Long Dark 2 – Announcement Trailer

Cover image for YouTube video

And here’s some backstory, care ofthe just-launched Steam page.

In case the mention of co-op has you screaming, fashioning yourself a wolfskin pelt, and fleeing to the hillside caves, it looks like single-player is still the heart of the game. But you’ll potentially have a lot more company, as players must decide whether to join communities of NPC survivors. Co-op players, meanwhile, will “lean on each other and combine your skills and efforts to eke out another day of existence in the hostile environment”. I’m not sure whether this means there are unique co-op mechanics. If my co-op partner dies, can I eat them and knit their entrails into a scarf?

And then there are the new urban areas. “Cities and towns offer new opportunities, and new hazards to your survival, introducing a fresh take on the established survival formula,” the Steam page explains. “The wilds are dangerous, but sometimes the city is where the real threats lie.” I assume they’re not talking about boy racers at the traffic lights.

The new Will to Live system complicates the already-steep challenge of keeping yourself fed, watered and uninjured. It “adds elements of psychological survival to the mix, introducing Resilience and its sub-stats to the well-established mechanics,” according to the Steam page. “Manage your doubts and fears, and find comfort in the small things if you want to survive.”

There’s also a new Permalife system which sounds like a narrativised respawn feature, in that it “turns every death into a new adventure”. The Steam page phrases it thusly: “Accumulate new risks and fears for your survivor as you move through the world and succumb to various hazards. Face your fears, overcome their downsides, and strengthen your Survivor’s story in the world. Make your mark.” If you don’t like the sound of this, the old Permadeath mode is still an option.

I never played much of The Long Dark. It was for me The Short Dark, in that I struggled to make it past the first hut. Perhaps I’ll fare better with the help of a friendly player in the sequel? Or perhaps, I’ll just end up padding their stomach?

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