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Respawn have killed Apex Legends' Steam Deck support in the name of anti-cheatCollateral damage

Collateral damage

Apex Legends being played on a Steam Deck.

TheSteam Deckis something of a talisman for gaming on Linux, its popularity and penguin-powered SteamOS having almost singlehandedly dragged it past MacOS as the second-most-used operating system among Steam users. Sadly, this also means the Valve handheld is the primary casualty when developers decide to stop bothering with Linux support, as Respawn Entertainment have decided to do forApex Legends.

“We had to weigh the decision on the number of players who were legitimately playing on Linux/the Steam Deck versus the greater health of the population of players for Apex,” it reads. “While the population of Linux users is small, their impact infected a fair amount of players’ games. This ultimately brought us to our decision today.”

Windows-based handhelds, like theAsus ROG Allyseries and the recentZotac Zone, are unaffected.