HomeNewsCreeper World IXE

One of strategy gaming’s true oddballs returns in Creeper World IXE, which pits starships against oceans of wrathful gloopFleet vs flow

Fleet vs flow

Image credit:Knuckle Cracker

Image credit:Knuckle Cracker

A screenshot from Creeper World IXE, in which a bunch of 2D spaceships lasering hills and rock deposits to repel and rerout tides of purple liquid

When I downloadedCreeper WorldIXE’s demo, I had it pegged as a bizarre original. It is, in fact, the latest in a series of real-time strategy games in which you position turrets and terraform maps to repel surging, simulated tides of purple liquid. This is a war between flesh and mineral, solidity and fluidity thatdates back to the age of Gillen. Alex Wiltshire (RPS in peace)interviewed creator Virgil Wall back in 2019- amongst other things, we learn that the original Creeper World was based on a “failure” - and Sin hasan enthusiastic piece from 2021 about Creeper World 4, the first 3D instalment.

What does Creeper World IXE bring to the party? Well, 1) it ain’t 3D, and 2) it’s billed as an exercise in “dominating” the titular Creeper, rather than keeping it at bay. For too long has this sloshing, coruscating hooligan been allowed to wash over and corrode our precious starports. We will take the fight to it in the shape of an upgradeable 2D starfleet, equipped with lasers we can use to chisel away the geography and re-rout the flow of villainous Vimto.

Creeper World IXE Launch TrailerWatch on YouTube

Creeper World IXE Launch Trailer

Cover image for YouTube video

Here’s a feature sheet fromthe Steam page.

Sand physics terrain where every pixel is simulated allowing the use of gravity and terrain as part of your strategy

Enhanced Creeper fluid simulation with waves creating new Creeper behaviour

Particle system for new and greater threats

Use terrain chemistry and terraforming to gain the advantage over your enemy

Extensive custom unit support with scripting where the community can craft their units, missions and control modules.

Online map database for endless fun and new challenges