HomeNewsMicrosoft Flight Simulator 2024

Microsoft smoothly launch a videogame challenge 2024

A helicopter collects cargo from a ship or oil rig at sea in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

In response to the issues, developers Asobo posted avideo message discussing the launch issues.

“We knew the excitement was high for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, but frankly we completely underestimated how high and it really has overwhelmed our infrastructure,” says Jorg Neumann, head of Flight Simulator.

Asobo CEO Sebastian Wloch then explained that the issue was due to the number of players trying to access the game.

“In Flight Sim 2024, there are a few new systems in the sim,” Wloch says. “People have noticed in the career mode there’s all sorts of missions, and when players at the very beginning when they start, they’re asking a server for some data, and that server is going to cache it in a database. It’s a pretty big database and there is a cache, and that cache is currently getting saturated.

“It’s a cache that has been thoroughly tested during the whole Tech Alpha. We’ve done load tests simulating 200,000 users, and tonight it’s just completely overwhelmed.”

Wloch explained that they’ve had some temporary success with attempted fixes so far, but that soon the “cache collapsed again”. They’re continuing to investigate in search of a permanent fix.

In an updateposted to Steam about the launch issues, the developers said that the problems are now “solved” and players should steadily be able to join the game. “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience,” says the post.

We’ll have a review of Flight Simualtor 2024 soon.