HomeNewsWhite Knuckle
Image credit:Dark Machine Games
Image credit:Dark Machine Games
Possibly, you are Down because you are a manifestation of the aforementioned Badness. Possibly, the monstrous things trying to thwart your ascent are merely trying to stop you contaminating the surface world. Possibly, they are the Real Heroes. It doesn’t really matter, because you don’t have a choice. There is a wall of unspeakable flesh coming up the tunnel behind you. To avoid becoming part of it, you must climb.
White Knuckle - Substructure TrailerWatch on YouTube
White Knuckle - Substructure Trailer
“White Knuckle is a first person speed climbing game,” explains the Steam page. “Ascend through the guts of SUB-STRUCTURE 17 using precision movement mechanics. Sharp reflexes and resource management will take you to the highest peaks under ten thousand meters of concrete and decay.”
The game’s industrial catacomb environment features several distinct areas, including “the deep dry storage of the Silos”, “the putrid sewers of the Pipeworks”, and “the haunted piers of Habitation”. All seem to mostly consist of giddy climbing puzzles, with each of your character’s hands mapped to its own button or trigger, but there’s also the opportunity to pit rusty drills and makeshift spears against creatures that probably shouldn’t be examined closely.
D’aww, that’s downright wholesome for a game about crawling out of giant metal intestine. The full game doesn’t have a release date yet.