HomeNewsBeff Jezos Simulator

Beff Jezos Simulator lets you indulge in the fantasy that billionaires actually do any workI love fantasy games

I love fantasy games

Image credit:JoyJutsu Games

Image credit:JoyJutsu Games

Beff Jezos Simulator lets you put THINGS in BOXES.

Also, coincidentally, all things you can doin the demoforBeff Jezos Simulator. Now, worksimulation gamesaren’t my absolute favourite. But, hey, I do love a good fantasy game. And what spellbinding vision of a farflung reality could be more fantastical than a game in which a billionaire actually does some work?

Beff Jezos Simulator - Gameplay Trailer!📦🚀Watch on YouTube

Beff Jezos Simulator - Gameplay Trailer!📦🚀

Cover image for YouTube video

In this wonderful fantasy allegory - likeMetaphor: ReFantaziobut for people who, when they say ‘let them cook,’ are preparing to slurp a stew made entirely of boot - you can also perform these premium fantasy billionaire activities:

I’m not spotting anything about buying entire media outlets to gradually influence public opinion into thinking bald divorced men with all the basic empathy of a mouldy satsuma are actually extremely fuckable and cool, but I’m sure that’s in there somewhere too.

What would you do if you were a billionaire, reader? I would buy the world a copy of Beff Jezos Simulatoranda really lovely bottle to piss in. Wide rimmed. Sturdy. Leak-proof. The works.