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All 88 Breezy Meadow Whimstars in Infinity NikkiHere’s how to find and solve every Whimstar in Breezy Meadow

Here’s how to find and solve every Whimstar in Breezy Meadow

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Want to track down all 88 Breezy Meadow Whimstar locations in Infinity Nikki?Whimstars make the world go around in Miraland, the colourful world ofInfinity Nikki. More specifically, they’re required for you to unlock all the new abilityOutfits, clothes, and skill upgrades in your Heart Of Infinity skill tree. And a huge amount of these colourful collectibles are found in Breezy Meadow.

If you’re just beginning the unenviable task of tracking down all 88 Breezy Meadow Whimstars, fear not. Below we’ve catalogued the exact location of every single Whimstar in the region, with screenshots and instructions detailing exactly how to solve each Whimstar challenge you’ll come across in Breezy Meadow. So, deep breath, and let’s begin.

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Note:Looking for Whimstars in a different region? Find them all in our mainWhimstar locations guide!

All 88 Infinity Nikki Breezy Meadow Whimstars

Click here to view this Breezy Meadow map at full resolution!|Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

A high-resolution map of the region of Breezy Meadow in Infinity Nikki, with the locations of all the Whimstars in that region marked and numbered in yellow.

Skip ahead to a specific Whimstar:

Whimstar 1: Hillside Bug

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The first Whimstar in Breezy Meadow is in the form of a butterfly on the edge of a hill a short distance south from the river leading out of theMemorial Mountains. Catch the critter using the Bug Catching Outfit to earn the Whimstar.

Note: unlock the Bug Catching Outfit in Chapter 1’s main story quest: “Accident At The Clothing Store”.

Whimstar 2: South Of Florawish Lane

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 2 is in plain site atop a rock a small distance south of theFlorawishLane Warp Spire. Collect it to start a simple “collect the stars” time-trial.

Whimstar 3: Combat Chest Near Art Academy

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is nestled into a rocky outcrop near the path east out of Cicia Art Academy Field Base. Open the treasure chest there and defeat the Esselings inside to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 4: Cicia Art Academy Field Base

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The next Whimstar is found inside Cicia Art Academy Field Base itself. Make your way onto the main building’s rooftop via the upper balcony, and use your Animal Grooming Outfit to groom the glowing ferret on the roof, turning it back into a Whimstar for you to collect.

Note: unlock the Animal Grooming Outfit in Chapter 1’s main story quest: “Land Of Wishes”.

Whimstar 5: Field Base Cavern

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The Field Base Cavern is easy to miss, but the entrance can be found to the northwest of Cicia Art Academy Field Base.Insideis a single Whimstar, behind a breakable rock wall. Follow the slope upward leading away from the wall and you’ll find a number of boulders you can roll down the slope to break open the wall and obtain the Whimstar.

Whimstar 6: Curio Domain South Of Florawish Lane

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 7: The Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 7 is a “cloud time trial” Whimstar, found just outside the west side entrance. Collect it, and then follow the cloud over the roof collecting all the stars to earn the Whimstar at the end of the challenge.

Whimstar 8: North Breezy Meadow Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

For reference, the red platforms are: 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, and 25th.

Whimstar 9: East Coast Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Another Curio Domain awaits you at the location of Whimstar 9, very near the east coast above the Swan Gazebo. To solve this challenge, set the ball rolling and then jump onto the central platform before the ball arrives on it. The ball will be catapulted into the target area.

Whimstar 10: Swan Gazebo hidden star

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This sneaky “find the hidden star” challenge is located at the Swan Gazebo on the east coast of Breezy Meadow. Collect the Whimstar in plain view to begin the challenge. After that, the hidden star is hanging from the trail of flowers connecting the central gazebo to the southeast outer pillar.

Whimstar 11: Box Near Bug Catcher’s Cabin

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 11 is an “escaping” Whimstar trapped inside a breakable box, a small distance east of the Bug Catcher’s Cabin. Jump above the box and ground-slam it to break it, then use a combination of gliding and dashing to catch the Whimstar as it tries to evade you.

Whimstar 12: Bug Catcher’s Cabin Windmill

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 13: North Of Meadow Activity Support Center

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

To the west of the Bug Catcher’s Cabin and north of the Meadow Activity Support Center, there’s a path that ends abruptly at the top of a hill. Once you reach this ending, turn right, and a short way into the trees you’ll find an animal you can groom for the next Whimstar.

Whimstar 14: West Hills Time Trial

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This next Whimstar is a time trial found on top of a rock in a large grassy clearing on the hills to the west. Simply collect all the stars in the line to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 15: Sky Monarch West Of Meadow Activity Support Center

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The Sky Monarch for this Whimstar is found to the northwest. Wait for it to return to its nest, groom it, then ride it to the Whimstar.

Whimstar 16: West Rolling Boulders

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 17: Clifftop Bug

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 17 is found in the form of a butterfly floating just off the edge of a clifftop north of the river that leads from Stoneville. Jump and use the Bug Catching Outfit in midair to get the Whimstar.

Whimstar 18: Meadow Activity Support Center

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is in plain sight on top of a rock next to the path east of the Meadow Activity Support Center. Collect it to start a time trial that leads you through the Support Center itself in order to earn the Whimstar reward.

Whimstar 19: North Coastal Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Another Curio Domain Whimstar can be found near the coast north of where the Stoneville river meets the sea. To solve this puzzle, retrieve the box from the left platform and place it on the right platform. Then set the ball rolling, and jump onto the right platform with the box before the ball gets there.

Whimstar 20: Island Whimfish

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Note: unlock the Fishing Outfit in Chapter 1’s main story quest: “Unexplained Coma Incidents”.

Whimstar 21: Bridge Archway

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is found on top of the archway on the bridge that separates the north from the south in Breezy Meadow. Use the bounce pad next to the archway to collect it, and complete the time trial to earn the star.

Whimstar 22: Stoneville Entrance Sky Monarch

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 22 can be found on the way towards the Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire, and to reach it you need to hitch another lift atop a giant bird. The bird is found directly south of the Warp Spire itself - groom it and ride it to the Whimstar’s destination high in the air.

Whimstar 23: Southern Edge Cloud Time Trial

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Found on the edge of a cliff near the very southern edge of Breezy Meadow near Stoneville, there’s a “cloud” time trial Whimstar which takes you on a not-too-taxing journey around the edge of the cliff.

Whimstar 24: South Ruins Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 25: Breakable Floor South Of River

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Just south of the river leading out of Stoneville, you’ll find another small patch of stone ruins in the ground. In the centre is a square of breakable wooden flooring. Perform a ground-slam over the flooring to obtain another Whimstar.

Whimstar 26: Curio Domain Near Bridge

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Just to your right as you cross the bridge from the north to the south of Breezy Meadow, you’ll see a Curio Domain portal you can enter. To solve this one, go to the far end, turn around, and push two crates onto the left platform and one crate on the right. Then set the ball going and it’ll roll into the hole, earning you the Whimstar.

Whimstar 27: River Fishing Point

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

After you cross the bridge into the rest of Breezy Meadow, follow the path left, and where the path comes closest to the river, head to the river and you’ll find a Whimfish at a fishing point next to a pier. Catch it for another Whimstar.

Whimstar 28: Hidden Star On Coast

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Just south of the island off the coast of Breezy Meadow, there’s a “hidden star” Whimstar challenge to try. The solution is to find the star on the side of the boat a little way into the water. Investigate it to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 29: Meadow Wharf

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 29 is found at Meadow Wharf, resting atop a tiny boat next to the pier. Jump into it to start a quick and fairly easy time trial.

Whimstar 30: Curio Domain Near Meadow Wharf

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Breezy Meadow is filled with Curio Domains, isn’t it? This Whimstar is in another one on the hill southwest of Meadow Wharf. This puzzle is a fun one - set the ball rolling, then jump on the left platform to angle the chute. As the ball nears the end of the chute, jump onto the right platform to send it flying into the hole. It might take a few attempts to get this one right.

Whimstar 31: Curio Domain, Southern Ruins

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 32: Cloud Time Trial, Southern Ruins

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 33: Hillside Cavern

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 34: Shimmer Pond Whimfish

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 34 is found in Shimmer Pond, halfway down the vertical river that cuts through the middle of Breezy Meadow. Inside Shimmer Pond is a fishing point where you can catch another Whimfish for the Whimstar.

Whimstar 35: Escaping Whimstar In Ruins

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 36: Relic Hill Bug

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is found as another glowing butterfly bug floating above some ruins near the Relic Hill Warp Spire. Catch the bug to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 37: Curio Domain South Of Relic Hill

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The 37th Breezy Meadow Whimstar is another Curio Domain found south of Relic Hill, on a hill overlooking the river. The trick to this puzzle is that each time you jump on the platforms, they reverse direction, so you need to jump to where they’re going to be rather than where they are.

Whimstar 38: Cloud Time Trial On River

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The next Whimstar is located on top of a hill between the two paths of the river as they fork apart. Collect it to begin a cloud time trial that takes you alnog the river, heading south.

Whimstar 39: Curio Domain Near Shimmer Pond

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 40: East Riverside Box

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is another “escaping” one trapped in a breakable box that you can ground-slam to open. The box itself is found right on the edge of the eastmost river in the region due south of Meadow Wharf.

Whimstar 41: Hidden Star South Of River

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 42: Curio Domain South Of River

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Just on the other side of the path from the previous Whimstar is a Curio Domain portal. To solve this puzzle for the next Whimstar, collect all the stars in time (the key is to jump for one of the diagonal stars first).

Whimstar 43: Sky Monarch South Of River

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

To obtain Whimstar 43 floating high in the sky, you need to find the Sky Monarch nesting below the tree next to the river, a little way north from the Whimstar itself. Groom the bird and ride it to the Whimstar’s location.

Whimstar 44: South Riverside Box

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 44 is another winged “escaping” Whimstar trapped in a box on the south side of the river, near some trees and bushes. Ground-slam over the box and dash after the Whimstar to catch it.

Whimstar 45: Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This next Whimstar is located on a hill near the Warp Spire for the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. The star is found floating above a broken wooden structure near a fence, and collecting it will start a fairly simple time trial.

Whimstar 46: Camp Outpost Hill, North

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 46 is also inside the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost, on the north side of the river. Atop one of the lookout towers is a bug you can catch for the Whimstar.

Whimstar 47: Camp Outpost Hill, South

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 48: Camp Outpost Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Follow the path southwest from the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost, and you’ll find a Curio Domain portal on the hill to the south.

Whimstar 49: Combat Chest Near Wisher Camp

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The 49th Whimstar in Breezy Meadow is found inside a combat chest very near the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire (that’s the Camp itself, not the Outpost). Open the chest, defeat the Esselings, and gain the Whimstar.

Whimstar 50: Campsite Cavern

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This is the Whimstar that took me longest to find in Breezy Meadow. Go to the location marked on the map just north of the river near the outpost, and up on the hill there’s a hole you can drop into to reach the hidden Campsite Cavern.

Inside the cavern you’ll quickly spot a simple combat chest that you can open to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 51: Lookout Tower With Moveable Crate

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 52: Wisher Camp River

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 52 is on a pier in the river that runs through the Wisher Camp, just beyond the walls of the camp. Collect it to begin a quick cloud time trial which rewards you with a Whimstar at the end of it.

Whimstar 53: Wisher Camp Box

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The next Whimstar is found near the southern hut just through the gate from the Abandoned Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Atop a log pile is a box containing an escaping Whimstar. Ground-slam it to break the box, then catch the Whimstar as it flees.

Whimstar 54: Combat Chest South Of Wisher Camp

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 54 is a combat chest found next to a couple of tents up on the hill to the south of the Wisher Camp. Follow the path to reach it, then defeat the inhabitants of the chest to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 55: Wisher Camp Boulder Drop

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

A little further beyond the Wisher Camp on the south side of the river, you’ll find a Whimstar beneath a section of breakable stone floor. Use the bounce pad next to it to reach the clifftop overlooking this area, then roll the boulder off the cliff to break the ground and reach the Whimstar.

Whimstar 56: Wisher Camp Island

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Keep heading west beyond the Wisher Camp and the river will flow into a lake, with an island in the centre. Hop over to the island, and you’ll find a fishing point with a Whimfish that you can catch for Whimstar 56.

Whimstar 57: South Of Wisher Camp Lake

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Follow the Wisher Camp path as it curves underneath the west lake, and in the clearing near the cliff wall you’ll see a little colourful ferret on a wooden platform. Groom the ferret to earn this Whimstar.

Whimstar 58: South Of Bullquet Area

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 59: South Of Lakeside Hill Lane

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Once you reach the Lakeside Hill Lane Warp Spire, head south below both paths and you’ll see a simple time trial Whimstar on top of a hill near the cliff edge.

Whimstar 60: North Of Lakeside Hill Lane

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 60 is in the form of another butterfly to catch using the Bug Catcher Outfit. Head to the marked location on the map, and then use the bounce pad to jump up and catch the bug in midair.

Whimstar 61: Near Eastern Bridge

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is in plain sight right next to the easternmost bridge in Breezy Meadow. Collect it and complete the time trial around the river to win the Whimstar.

Whimstar 62: East Island Fishing Point

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This easily missed Whimstar is in the form of a Whimfish on the edge of the tiny island above the easternmost bridge. Use the Fishing Outfit to catch it.

Whimstar 63: North Beach Escaping Whimstar

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is easy to spot if you head along the north shore in east Breezy Meadow. On the beach is a crate you can ground-slam to free another “escape” Whimstar.

Whimstar 64: Floating Above East Ruins

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 65: North Shore Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 66: North Of Queen’s Palace Ruins Entrance

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 66 is found a short distance left of the path that takes you directly to the Queen’s Palace Ruins Entrance Warp Spire. Collect it and complete the remarkably simple time trial to earn the star.

Whimstar 67: Queen’s Palace Ruins Outskirts

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar requires you to find and ride another Sky Monarch bird in the vicinity. Head to the west of the Whimstar, across to the other side of the path, and you should see the Sky Monarch’s nest nestled against a rocky outcropping. Groom and ride the bird over to the Whimstar to collect it.

Whimstar 68: Queen’s Palace Ruins Outskirts Combat Chest

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The next Whimstar is found just inside the walls of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. At the marked location is a combat chest you can open. Defeat the Esselings to earn the Whimstar.

Whimstar 69: Forest Cavern

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Next to the Queen’s Palace Ruins West Forest Warp Spire is the entrance to Forest Cavern. Once you get to the room with the multiple pillars, move the crate to the end of the broken pillar on the floor, then use that to jump to the tops of the pillars that remain standing. Jump from one to the next until you reach the one with the Whimstar on top.

Whimstar 70: Whimcycle Jump

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is found a fair distance away from the edge of a clifftop, and is only reachable using Whimcycle. There’s a pad on the ground which gives your Whimcycle a speed boost when you cycle over it; use this to gain speed, then jump at the edge of the cliff to reach the Whimstar.

Whimstar 71: Time Trial South Of Queen’s Palace

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Another very simple time trial Whimstar in plain view here. This Whimstar can be found on the west side of the path that leads south from the Queen’s Palace Ruins.

Whimstar 72: Bug Above Circular Ruins

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

A small set of circular stone ruins holds the next Whimstar - or rather, it is home to the Whim-Bug that floats above it. Parkour up to the top of the ruins and you can jump to catch the butterfly in midair for the 72nd Whimstar.

Whimstar 73: Heartcraft Kingdom Entrance

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 74: Southern Sky Monarch

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Another Sky Monarch can be found near the cliff directly south of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Befriend it in its nest using the Animal Grooming Outfit and you’ll be able to ride it west to reach the Whimstar above the tree at the marked location.

Whimstar 75: Queen’s Palace Ruins South Attic

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar can be found inside a ruined attic on the southern edge of the Queen’s Palace. To get there, start at the Queen’s Palace Ruins Tower Warp Spire, climb the stairs to the top, and then glide out of the open wall to the left, towards the large hole in the roof of the neighbouring section of palace. The Whimstar is found just beneath the roof.

Whimstar 76: Queen’s Palace Ruins Balcony

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 77: Queen’s Palace Ruins Curio Domain

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Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Visible from the Queen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard Warp Spire is a leaf bounce pad next to the casle wall. Use it to jump through the archway above, where a portal to a Curio Domain is waiting for you.

This is another challenge that requires you to use the green platforms to reach the end without touching any red platforms. Memorise (or take a screenshot) and then get jumping.

Whimstar 78: Roof Window Time Trial

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

To reach Whimstar 78, head through the hole in the wall next to the Queen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard Warp Spire. Use the rubble to reach the upper level, then use the bounce pad to reach the roof. From there you can climb up on top of the window to reach the Whimstar.

Whimstar 79: Queen’s Palace Ruins Flat Roof

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 79 is located on a low flat roof in the northwest corner of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Once you’re at the building, go through the archway inside, and then use the rubble slope in the next room to reach the Whimstar on the roof.

Whimstar 80: Queen’s Palace Ruins Breakable Floor

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar can be found just on the outskirts of the Queen’s Palace Ruins perimeter wall. On the side of the path into the entrance of the ruins, jump up onto the ledge abutting the wall, and ground-slam the square of breakable wood in the ground to reach the Whimstar.

Whimstar 81: Queen’s Palace Ruins Rolling Boulder

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 82: Box North Of Queen’s Palace Ruins

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This Whimstar is found inside a box to the north of the Queen’s Palace Ruins, atop a rock next to a little stone pagoda. Break the box with a ground-slam, and then catch the escaping Whimstar as it flitters away.

Whimstar 83: Beach North Of Queen’s Palace Ruins

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Whimstar 83 is found on the beach directly north of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Head along the shore as far as you can and you’ll find a Curio Domain portal; jump onto the blocks one at a time to earn the Whimstar at the end.

Whimstar 84: Animal North Of Queen’s Palace Ruins

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

To find this next Whimstar, simply head to the clifftop northeast of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Near the very edge is another multicoloured ferret you can groom for the Whimstar.

Whimstar 85: Seaside Castle Room

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Getting there! Whimstar 85 is found in an upper room on the northeast corner of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Climb up to the very northeast corner itself, hug the wall, and then curve around the corner and go through the hole in the wall to reach the Whimstar.

Whimstar 86: Lilypad Fishing Spot

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

Make your way round to the shore on the east side of the Queen’s Palace Ruins, and in the water you’ll see a collection of lilypads. Next to one is a fishing spot containing a Whimfish for the next Whimstar.

Whimstar 87: Time Trial East Of Queen’s Palace Ruins

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

This easy-to-spot Whimstar is found partway down the hill towards the coast east of the Queen’s Palace Ruins. Collect it and complete the time trial to earn this penultimate Whimstar.

Whimstar 88: Lakeside Cliff Cavern

Image credit:Rock Paper Shotgun/Papergames

Nikki in Infinity Nikki in the process of collecting a Whimstar in the region of Breezy Meadow.

The very last Breezy Meadow Whimstar is found inside the easily overlooked Lakeside Cliff Cavern, right at the bottom of the east coast. Hop your way across the lilypad room, and then climb the ledges at the end to the land bridge overlooking the previous room. On this bridge is the final Whimstar.

That (at last) wraps up our guide on all the 88 Whimstar locations inside Breezy Meadow. You can of course continue your Whimstar hunt in other regions with our sister guides, but you can also delve into our other guides on topics such as all theKindled Inspiration solutionsandObservation quest answers, or more general tools likeInfinity Nikki codesand the currentInfinity Nikki banner schedule.